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Computer Applications

Mr. C. M. HARI

Name of the Faculty: Mr. C. M. Hari
Qualification: M.C.A.,D.Ed.
Designation: Head of Department
Email-Id: cmharimkp@gmail.com
Phone-No: 98668 65056

Ms. V. Priyadharsini

Name of the Faculty: Ms. V. Priyadharsini
Qualification: M.C.A.
Designation: Associate Professor
Email-Id: vpriyadharsini21@gmail.com
Phone-No: 96768 18997

Mr. P. Subramanyam

Name of the Faculty: Mr. P. Subramanyam
Qualification: M.C.A., B.Ed.
Designation: Associate Professor
Email-Id: psubbu285@gmali.com
Phone-No: 95021 62285

Mr. R. Srihari

Name of the Faculty: Mr. R. Srihari
Qualification: M.C.A., B.Ed.
Designation: Associate Professor
Email-Id: sripriyam99@gmail.com
Phone-No: 63020 67028

Ms. M. Satheesh

Name of the Faculty: Ms. M. Satheesh
Qualification: B.Tech
Designation: Lab Instructor
Email-Id: satheeshsatheesh1729@gmail.com
Phone-No: 83286 15621