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Mr. V. Murali

Name of the Faculty: Mr. V. Murali
Qualification: MBA., M.Com., M.A, B.Ed.
Designation: Head of the Department
Email-Id: vmuralico1985@gmail.com
Phone-No: 99088 25263

Mr. K. S. Palani

Name of the Faculty: Mr. K. S. Palani
Qualification: MBA.,
Designation: Associate Professor
Email-Id: palani.cu@gmail.com
Phone-No: 95022 12837

Mr. M. Parthiban

Name of the Faculty: Mr. M. Parthiban
Qualification: MBA.,
Designation: Associate Professor
Email-Id: mparthibankdc@gmail.com
Phone-No: 81061 28762

Ms. M. Gayathri

Name of the Faculty: Ms. M. Gayathri
Qualification: MBA.,
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email-Id: gayu916@gmail.com
Phone-No: 84989 72803

Mr. C. Harish Kumar

Name of the Faculty: Mr. C. Harish Kumar
Qualification: MBA.,
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email-Id: chandrappaharishkumar07@gmail.com
Phone-No: 94908 09127

Mr. V. Bhaskar

Name of the Faculty: Mr. V. Bhaskar
Qualification: MBA.,
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email-Id: bhaskarvasu297@gmail.com
Phone-No: 89781 32270